Christian News

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News of Interest to Christians

Austin city council says ‘values’ require forcing churches to hire LGBT employees

Life Site News Article AUSTIN, Texas, November 29, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Churches have no right to insist on employees that accept and practice their faith’s teachings on homosexuality, according to Austin officials defending an “anti-discrimination” ordinance currently being challenged by two socially conservative groups. Read full article:

Episcopal Church Hosts Pro-Abortion Rally Featuring “Christian” Pastors Promoting Abortions

Episcopal Church Hosts Pro-Abortion Rally Featuring “Christian” Pastors Promoting Abortions   MICAIAH BILGER   DEC 6, 2018   |   5:36PM    WASHINGTON, DC A group of Ohio religious leaders criticized lawmakers’ efforts to pass protections for unborn babies Thursday during a pro-abortion protest at a church in downtown Columbus. The […]

Witches Outnumber Presbyterians in the US; Wicca, Paganism Growing ‘Astronomically’

The population of self-identified witches has risen dramatically in the United States in recent decades, as interest in astrology and witchcraft practices have become increasingly mainstreamed. While data is sparse, Quartz noted, the practice of witchcraft has grown significantly in recent decades; those who identify as witches has risen concurrently with the […]