Christian News

3150 posts

News of Interest to Christians

Pastors Will Ask for God’s Blessing on Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic

It’s one of the most sacrilegious acts a religious leader could perform, but it’s happening again — this time in Columbus, Ohio.  There, on the evening of November 9, the so-called Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is planning a “blessing” of the Planned Parenthood abortion center.

I just got saved! Spoke to Bob

The New Birth Contact: I just got saved! Spoke to Bob This was the subject of the email I received a little while ago… If you follow our blog, you will remember me mentioning that I receive phone calls all the time from Telemarketers that are calling about the domains […]

BBC Russelville Final Night

I had the pleasure of preaching tonight at the closing service of the missions conference at Bible Baptist Church in Russelville Arkansas. Our relationship with the church started when we hosted their domain (bbcruss,org) back in 2008. The church is a warm friendly church and Maureen and I were blessed. […]

Calvary Baptist Church in Crockett Texas

      On Tuesday, July 19, 2017, at the East Texas Baptist Camp meeting Dr. Paul Carlin (D. Min) and I sat down and had a discussion. Dr. Carlin wanted to get a website for his home church (Calvary Baptist Church in Crockett Texas).       Dr. Carlin has developed a technique […]